I decided that I didn't really like blogspot, so I've changed! :D Click "here" for my new tumblr!!! :D It hasn't got anything on it, as I plan to start when the school day starts, or rather, the day before it does, so right now, this tumblr is going to become inactive... D: I know..but oh well! :D Tumblr is going to be awesome, I have a good feeling! :D
See you on tumblr! :D
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
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Wednesday, 27 July 2011
My Harry Potter Adventure (Spazz Form)
OKAY. SO. For those of you who don't know, I'm a crazy harry potter fan and I got into the HP7.2 World Premiere!!
So, the day before the premiere I was on facebook in my house here in London and on my newsfeed, there was a photo that my friend, Karen, had posted that depicted a queue of people that was snaking around pillars and walls for about a kilometre or more and then the caption said, 4 hours waiting was totally worth it. No harry potter reference but when I saw the queue of people and tha fact that she said it was in London, THE ONLY time when PEOPLE WOULD QUEUE UP LIKE THAT is for the HARRY POTTER PREMIERES which are ALWAYS on the newspapers as ppl keep saying how ppl camp there for like....5 days to get into the premiere. WELL. I went absolutely BEZERK. There was NO WAY that I was going to miss the PREMIERE. AGAIN. Seeing as this was the LAST ONE. SO. Luckily, she was online and I kind of screamed, like, caps lock and all asking her for the details and seeing how you get into the premiere, what exactly she queued up for and stuff. SO. What I found out from that, is that 8000 wristbands were given out earlier that day and ONLY THOSE people would get to go to the premiere of HP and meet the cast and autographs.
NOW let's get one thing straight. Trafalgar Square is where the red carpet is. All autograph signing, picture taking, EVERYTHING will be taking place there. HOWEVER, the cast will have to walk all the way to Leicester Square to actually WATCH the movie at the Odeon Cinema there. But on the way to the cinema, THEY WILL NOT BE STOPPING to take photos or sign anything or whatever. SO basically, it's Traf. Square or nothing. :/
That was when my mind was set. I searched up Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Wristband in Google and I found out that according to different sources, some said that there were a couple of wristbands left, some said there weren't any.
I was like, whatever, I'll just pay it a visit because I had JUST FOUND OUT that the premiere was THAT DAY. Like "tomorrow" from the night I found out about everything. I was seriously going to blow my top if I missed the premiere. SEE?? That's what you get from slacking of from being a HP stalker. YOU LOSE OUT ON IMPORTANT SHIZ LIKE THAT!!
Anyway, I found out which tube stations I had to stop by at, made myself a couple of ham sandwiches and got a bottle of water and then set my alarm clock. My sister and mum refused to come with me because they insisted that ppl have been there for around 5 days already and there was NO WAY I was going to get in. I was adamant though. I WAS GOING.
So, the next morning, I took the tube myself and arrived at Leicester Square station. I then ran about like a headless chicken asking ppl where Traf. Square was. A couple of neon green vest adorned builders pointed the directions out saying, "It's packed down there." So, I sprinted down the street like even more of a headless chicken. I NEEDED THE WRIST BAND.
Sure enough, the queue was as long as EVER. SERIOUSLY. Every time I turned a corner, I was like yep. That's the end of the queue, but it wasn't and there was an entire street left of people. ABSOLUTE MADNESS. DUDE. The ppll at the front of the line looked like FREAKING HOBOS. Like they haven't slept or showered in days (which they probably haven't). ANYWAY. I got to the back of the kilometre, no, longer, line, and waited. There were a couple of people in full on robes, LOADS of ppl in Hogwarts houses ties of scarfs, everyone with the same HP-esque-hyperness charisma. I listened to my iPod, chatted to people a bit, when I started to get bored. The line wasn't moving at all. So...when I saw a girl hand over the Deathly Hallows book to one of her friends and that friend rejecting it, I took my chance. I went up to them and asked them if I could borrow the book and the girl was like okay, yeah, just DON'T STEAL IT!! And I was like, okay, yeah, sure.
So I read, I read. And then the line started moving forward. I was freaking out and so were the ppl behind me. Were the ppl just leaving or were more bands actually being given out?? Because an american lady had told me and a couple of others that there were no more wristbands. ALSO. The girls I was talking to went to ask the guard and he said that there weren't any more wristbands. There probably weren't any more wristbands, but I kept in line for a little longer anyway. THEN, swarms of people were running off somewhere and when I asked people where they were going, they were like LEICESTER SQUARE. DUH. So I was like, running with them. I COMPLETELY forgot about the girl whom I took the book from. She ran ahead of me and that's it. I never saw her again. I MUST SAY that she queued up for 24 hours outside Waterstones to buy the book the day it came out. YEAH. Whoops. :/ SORRY!
Anyway, I went to Leicester Square, sat outside the cinema where the stars would later walk to to see the movie and it was about 12 noon. Then, LOVELY English weather came to play and it RAINED. LIKE HELL. LIKE. HELL. NOT EVEN JOKING. It was cold and I didn't bring an umbrella so I shared with this girl next to me. Talked a bit, then, it rained even heavier. I sat there for about 45 mins when I was like. HELL. NO. Anyway, the girl with the umbrella was going and I couldn't stay without an umbrella so... YEAH. I was about to give up, go home when I was like. NO. You owe it to yourself to give it your best shot. FIND ANOTHER WAY. So, I walked to the entrance of the cinema which was blocked by the BUFF body guard and he was telling these swarms of people to GO AWAY and that there was no way they were getting into the cinema. There was this one girl who was the ringleader of this small possy and she was like. NO! WE WILL GET IN! THIS IS HARRY POTTER! WE ARE NOT SOFTIES LIKE THOSE TWI-HARDS. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP. lol :P So yeah, I was just about to sneak behind the body guard's back because I was being a quiet asian and he didn't suspect me of anything when this MILITARY DUDE SHOWED UP. I WAS LIKE HOLY CRAP!!!! And stepped AWAY from the entrance. NO WAY was I getting into trouble with the MILITARY. NO EFFING WAY.
So, then, I waited outside for about an hour and then I was like..NO. Then I was like, okay, the stars aren't coming till about 5 so I might as well check out Trafalgar and see what's up there. I kind of walked around a little hoping that somehow I'd get to Traf. Square and I did! YAY! :) ANYWAY. I went there and I saw this Gryffindor wall, and then a Slytherin, then Hufflepuff, the Ravenclaw. It was the wall that cordoned off Traf. Square. THAT MUST BE THE PREMIERE SITE! YAYY!! So I ran around, looking for the entrance. I was a little dismayed, but of course, it was expected that there were guards. These guards were looking for the wristbands and I DIDN'T FREAKING HAVE ONE!!! I WAS, however, observing the guards and I noticed how they only glanced at the red wristband. Then I thought, with only that split second glance, they really only were looking for the redness of something on your wrist, so THAT was when I hatched my INGENIOUS SUPER MEGA FOXY AWESOME HOT FREAKING AWESOME PLAN!! :D Basically, I went around like a lunatic asking Waterstones, the book shop if they had red paper, they obviously didn't, but I DID notice that they had scissors and a sharpie. Great. I'd need those for later. The man there DID say there was a Paperchase shop nearby though and he pointed it out to me. I ran down the street, but I couldn't find it. Instead, I found a Chinese massage shop. I was like..okay...Chinese! They must have like..Hong Bao paper or something...China LOVES their red paper! I asked them in English, they looked at me like I was a freak and so I asked in Chinese and they gave me a reply which was a No, but they still looked at me like I was a weirdo. So. I just said thank you and left.
THEN, I saw Charing Cross Station and I'd been there before and i was like, OH! They MUST have a little gift wrapping store there or SOMETHING so I went in and sure enough there was a gift wrapping store! I asked them if they had red paper and they were like no..but we have red tissue paper. It took me about a split second to realised that FINE. I'll TAKE IT. 1 pound 50 for red tissue paper. I paid, then I left, sprinting. I was excited already.
I sprinted back to find waterstones, keeping in mind that it was still raining like hell and I had no umbrella so I was soaked, and THAT was when I found the Paperchase. They didn't have red paper though so I was safe and I didn't waste my money. Anyway, so yeah, I went back to Waterstones and asked them if I got borrow their scissors and the guy that I saw before was like..yeah...o.0 Then, I snipped off 6 layers of tissue paper because they were stuck together and then I asked if I could borrow the black sharpie. The guy was like yeah...o.0 Then, while I was trying to write "HP" in REALLY manky hand writing, this other waterstone dude asked me if I needed any help and I was like..nope! Lol....Then he asked me where I was from as I proceeded to draw black dots on my wristband (because it was like those AMC adventure zone wristbands where to snap them around your wrist and they had holes, which were the black dots) and I was like, Hong Kong. Then the guy said, "Mm. I've been to Thailand before.." I MEAN WHAT?? LOLOLOLOL!!! I was like.."Uhh...so have...I..!" HAHHA. I was like..yay...? HAHHAHA. ANYWAY. Lastly, I borrowed some tape from the two baffled waterstones dudes and I taped my masterpiece together although it looked like the crappiest thing in the world. It wouldn't fool a 2 year old, but hopefully it would fool the guards.
I thanked the STILL baffled waterstones dude and sprinted back to the Traf. Square entrance. and the guards were still there except they were a little more agitated than the last time I saw them (I couldn't believe that was even possible) because people kept trying to pressure the guards to let them in. The guards got mad and yelled at people to leave. THAT was when I walked straight between the guards holding my "wristband" out in front of me, making sure I covered up the really CRAP hand writing. LIKE. IT was REALLY horrible. Imagine writing "HP" with yout pinky toe. YEAH. That's what it looked like.
I didn't even look back to see if they caught on to my con. I didn't even look back despite my thudding heart that felt like it was going into double overdrive. I just kept walking briskly, but not running. If I ran, they might have chased. Nope. I just walked straight through and the rest....is history. ;)
PS: There was also this REALLY cute french guy who helped me get autographs and there was also the Harry Potter Puppet Pals thing that ppl started up with random ppl being the "Snap" and then people gradually joining in. Then there were random bouts of the whole 8000 over ppl piping up the the HP theme song. IT WAS EPIC. Oh and then there were the 2 new friends I made from the US! :D
TOLD YOU KATE!! ;) I'll DEFINITELY be winging myself through life and getting the MOST out of it ;)
Don't you love me?? :D
Friday, 1 July 2011
2nd place and just 1 hour and 19 minutes left to go!
So yeah...the title pretty much says it all. COME ON ALISON YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)))
A special thanks to ETHELIA LUNG for keeping me entertained throughout this HORRIBLE process! :)
A special thanks to ETHELIA LUNG for keeping me entertained throughout this HORRIBLE process! :)
Just a couple more hours till the end of the figment contest
Ok, so I've gotten a considerable number of hearts, but I reallyyyy need to win this competition. HOLY CRAP. ARGH!
Ok. I will just let it rest.
K. Bye. :)
Ok. I will just let it rest.
K. Bye. :)
Thursday, 30 June 2011
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to get in!!!!!!!!!!!
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to get in!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
So I'm just here to say that I'm SOOOO MADD!!!!!!
People keep getting more <3s than me because they are swapping hearts with other people in that competition like crazy so I'm really mad because my story IS better than theirs!!!!! EURGHH!!!
If I don't get into the finals. I WILL SLAUGHTER A HAT. >:(((((((((((((((((((( AURHUARHAUIWRH!!!
So I'm just here to say that I'm SOOOO MADD!!!!!!
People keep getting more <3s than me because they are swapping hearts with other people in that competition like crazy so I'm really mad because my story IS better than theirs!!!!! EURGHH!!!
If I don't get into the finals. I WILL SLAUGHTER A HAT. >:(((((((((((((((((((( AURHUARHAUIWRH!!!
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